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20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Written by:
Jules Verne
Narrated by:
Marlo Dianne

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
March 10, 2007
16 hours 33 minutes
Captain Nemo, The Nautilus, and the mysterious depths of the ocean. Unforgettable. Come join an adventure that will roam among coral and pearls, sharks and giant squid, with wonders of biology and engineering that will thrust us from the Antarctic to Atlantis. Whether voyaging a yarn of the glorious unknown, a tale of the darkness that grips the heart of men, or a reinterpretation of Homer's Odyssey, we'll all enjoy the fantastic trip. Seasickness optional.
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Great some of the voice overs were a bit weird but a great book

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Lexi Addams

I loved the book. This was my first time "reading" it. I feel like the author trails off into listing species a bit much. It's slightly over-whelming when you don't understand what he is saying, and it goes on for a long period of time. Other than that, this story was thrilling and exciting. I didn't know what to expect next and I couldn't wait to find out. The narrators were all pretty great. There were a few whose volume was really low. I had my car audio turned up to max and it was still hard to hear them. That is my only complaint though. They read clear, and most of them had good emotions throughout to really bring the book to life.

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Marney Lukanc

The different readers made it very interesting. Some of the readers were weird sounding, but most were wonderful. I have never seen the movie or heard the whole story before! I loved it! Just loved it! Thank you

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Gabrielle B.

Incredibly well-written book. narrators were very good but sometimes low in volume.

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Ashley L.

Unfortunately I couldn’t get past the first 5 minutes because the narrator was terrible. The narration was so bad it was distracting me from the actual story. I have since found this book as an eBook (on another platform) and the story is so much fun! So yes I highly recommend the book, but not this narrated version here.

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Sam J.

Love this book. Marlo Dianne is not my favorite reader. It feels like she varies between complete boredom and disinterest in what she’s reading and the cadence of a very young child telling a story with an emphasized phrase, pause, breath, emphasized phrase, pause, breath, emphasized phrase. Very distracting to me

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I love this book but I just couldn't listen to this narrator. They have an extremely monotonous voice and it made it so dry to listen to.

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The narrator, Chip, was good but the others not so much. Just cause they're reading for free doesn't me they have to sound robotic.

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Lorraine Simpson

This book is very interesting and intriguing , I have not read any of Jules Verne's novels. some parts were a bit over the top for me,

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Amazing to think this book was written in the 19th century!

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I thought the many narrators helped lend an "international" feel which complemented the story. Quite an interesting tale!

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Great classic… Delves into human nature as well as the sea

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April 9 1956

was a very good

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I liked the detail to the ocean species! Interesting. One narrator would be nice as it is hard to switch but book is still great and most narration excellent!

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Jeff L

This narrator is horrible. I am definitely going to listen to the sample first moving forward, I just downloaded it before listening and erased it before the narrator had read 2 minutes of story.

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Adriane Bedrosian

Narrators inflection and reading style are very difficult to listen to. Could not get through the first five minutes let alone 16 and a half hours

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Sandra Bernight

I haven't read this before the movie. I was so impressed by the ending. I enjoyed this book.

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