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The 2030 Agenda and the Death of Freedom

The 2030 Agenda and the Death of Freedom

Written by:
Benjamin Hunter
Narrated by:
James Wilson
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
August 14, 2024
7 hours 8 minutes
Discover the Threats Lurking Behind Global Initiatives

Curious about your personal freedom's future? 'The 2030 Agenda and the Death of Freedom' is a revealing exploration of the hidden dangers in global initiatives impacting your life.

A call to awareness: Uncover the 2030 Agenda's complexities and the potential for restricted liberties behind a seemingly benevolent vision. Examine concepts like The Great Reset, influential figures like Klaus Schwab, and institutions like the UN, prompting a critical look at these agendas.

Personal intrusion concerns: The narrative exposes privacy threats from Digital IDs, governmental financial control, and Central Bank Digital Currencies, highlighting risks to personal autonomy and financial freedom through surveillance and digital tracking.

Highlighting real-world impacts: Case studies on China's Social Credit System demonstrate how similar frameworks could spread globally. Chapters focus on education indoctrination and Big Tech's influence, detailing effects on individuals and small businesses.

Empowering resistance: The book concludes with a call for advocacy and resistance, exploring constitutional rights and international coalitions dedicated to freedom. It offers actionable steps for sustainable resistance, motivating readers to mobilize for personal choice and economic freedom.

Engage with this crucial narrative to be enlightened and empowered in the fight to preserve your freedom.
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