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The Arrangement

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
July 1, 2021
5 hours 43 minutes
So when Ainsley realizes her marriage is at its breaking point, she makes a decision to repair it, no matter the cost. Approaching her husband to propose the arrangement is supposed to be the hard part, but Peter agrees to the salacious plan almost immediately. The rules are simple: They will each date someone new once a week. They will never discuss what happens on the dates. Soon, though, the rules are broken, turning terrible mistakes into unspeakable consequences. When the only person they can count on to keep their darkest secret is each other, new questions and deceits surface. Can they truly trust the person they share a life with, or will the vicious lies that have mounted over the years destroy everything they’ve built? Once, Peter and Ainsley vowed to stand together forever, but as they push boundaries of deception, suspicion, and temptation, each begins to wonder if ’til death do us part may come sooner than they’d intended.
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Good story, gets more interesting as you go, all the way until the end. I personally didn’t care for the dual female/male narration- didn’t add much to the story but they did a good job.

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Oh my goodness - i didn't see that one coming! Great little story. Nice and short. Not fantastic quality or intellectual but a good listen.

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Maria S.

Great Story!

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Jen P.

So good! Couldn’t put it away towards the end. Didn’t love the female narrator, sounded a bit roboty, but got used to it.

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Wendy P.

It was really good I enjoyed it

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Tammi D.

First book by this author. It was great from start to finish.

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Lori S.

Wow what an every changing plot. Total suspense u ril the very end. Great listen!

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Aseba G.

So many plot twists…..great book!

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Latoya L.

My, my, my... this book was not what I expected. I loved it! All the twists and turns. The best way that I can describe it is that it's a book version of "You" by Netflix. Ainsley and Peter's arrangement hade hooked. [potential spoiler removed] This story is more than the arrangement but more about secrets, loyalty, and the lengths one will do to save a marriage, love, and uncertainty. Til death do us part...hmmmm Peter and Ainsley took/takes their marriage vows seriously. After I got past the arrangement portion, I went ahead and purchased the other two books in the series. I hope they stand up to the first one. If you're looking for a good book that will keep turning page after page, this is it. I think Kiersten Modglin is now one of my new favorite authors.

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Meaghan R.

What ups and downs this book brings. It’ll catch you by the end.

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Tatiana R.

There were lots of plot twists and surprises along the way. Some twists could have been toned down or left out altogether to prevent being overdone. However, the story was very engaging. You won’t see the ending coming!

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good twist in the story

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Good book. Narrators voices were difficult to get used to at first, but being that it’s a shorter book, it was OK. Several twists at the end made it both interesting and slightly over the top. Still, it was a good book.

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Osman Raidhan

I found the first part to be a basic story and was ready for a 3 star review, however the last half was freaking wild and the ending the kept going crazier loved it!

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The worst book I couldn’t finish. The premise is ridiculous. I did not like the narrator voice

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Suzy C.

Too many “everything “ in one book. Silly

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Leigh E.

It was ok, it wasn’t entirely what I thought it would be about, I thought their would be more character development and the twist at the end to me was still kind of confusing and a little silly but I mean it wasn’t a waste of time. If anything I think it lacked important details it seemed very underdeveloped.

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Cynthia P.

Entertaining story. A lot of twists. Did not expect that ending.

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Sandy Y.

so many plot twists. loved it. a bit slow in thr beginning but the ending was worth the wait

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Joanne M.

Really enjoyed the story, easy to listen too and I was hooked to the end

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I thought this was horrible. Interesting twists at the end didn’t mKe up for the rest of the story and sadly, I found the female narrator whiny and her male voice that of a teenage kid so it was very unbelievable. I can’t recommend this one.

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Omg love the many twist and turns great story and the ending wow

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Kept me listening

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Diana H.

I loved the narrators— very relatable, but the storyline seemed choppy and suspect from the first twist. I loved getting inside each character’s head, and going back and forth between husband and wife was effective…though unreliable. Though on the verge of putting it down, it was a quick listen and a fun ride if willing to suspend reality.

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Stephanie K.

A nice, short story full of suspense. I found myself sitting in my car after I arrived at my destination just so I could continue listening.

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So many plot twists. Nice short read.

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Zeina Al Masri

Good story, with unexpected twists and turns along the way, didn't see them coming, not a great quality read, but its surely entertaining, finished it in a couple of days ! Didn't like the female narrators voice at all, she has a weird accent and she sounds like a robot, didn't appreciate the dual female/male narration especially when Ainsleys character does it, it's soo off.

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Jacquelyn E.

Great book. Kept my interest and had a lot of twist and turns.

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I liked this book. It just kept getting more intense and held my interest to the very end. I liked the narrator, too.

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Michaela S.

Wow, never saw that coming... 5 stars

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Katherine W.

Fabulous story with so many twists and turns. Couldn’t stop listening till the end.

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Miranda C.

Narrators we’re great, loved the switch between male and female voices, but the story itself is nothing new. It’s all boring set up until half way, then it gets interesting enough that you want to keep listening but it’s just… whatever. Only reason I finished was the spite I had for the husband.

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Jennifer O.

Wow this book had me in the edge of my seat from the first chapter with twists and turns that I never saw coming all the way to the last sentence

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Cindy B.

Loved all the twist!

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Alicia S.

Fun, short, twisty love story.

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Wendy H.

Absolutely loved it. Great ending

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Laura C.

Great book, so many twists and turns!

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Well that ending had my jaw dropping! It started out as a typical couple trying to save their marriage but turned to a what have we done moment. I was a bit miffed at Peter for not controlling himself when striking Stefan and miffed at Ainsley for ghosting Stefan....nothing and I mean nothing could have prepared me for that plot twist ending. Well done Kiersten Modglin, well done.

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Twists and turns until the very end!

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Misty P.

Wow! What a great twist I never expected.

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Denise C.

was really good

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Tali B.

very dark plot didnt enjoy the voice of the female narrator

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EmilyElisabeth W.

almost painfully slow and predictable to begin the storyline...not a huge fan of the wife's narrator... BUT the book really took off, with a surprise around every chapter!

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