Unabridged Audiobook
Agree that the relationship between Jace and Clarie is definitely getting stale. Hated the narrators. Clarie sounded 12 and Simon was 40. It was awful. I couldn’t wait for it to be over so I wouldn’t have to listen to them. I really don’t like it that they change the narrators for each book.
Not my favorite book in the series, but still a good read. The plot of Clary and Jace's tumultuous relationship is getting stale and would be great to just settle once and for all. I like that Simon's character as a vampire was elaborated on. The narration grated and was hard to understand at times.
I love this book, but the volume of the voices are hard to understand. The male voice is hard to understand sometimes and the female voice gets too loud. Both did a good job, but not on the same book together.
I enjoyed the book despite some issues with the plot (which will hopefully smooth out the further we get into the story) I was disappointed in the narration. I didn't so much mind having a male voice for Simon but his voice was very apathetic. There was no feeling in any of his words and was very flat The female voice was immediately a let down because I like the narrator from the previous book so much. I'm not sure what the correct pronunciation is of some of the words they use but I do wish they could be referred to the same by a new narrator If the switch is made. e.g. stel-ay vs. steely
narrators ruin the story. The story gets a little stale in some parts with the relationship thing, but over all pretty good
Great book to listen to.
That 4th installment of The Mortal Instruments continues the story of Clary and Jace as well as takes us further into the life of Simon, newly a vampire that can walk in the day. I didn’t really mind this book and also didn’t feel it was all that great. The Jace/Clary will they, won’t they, tortured soul, I love you but can’t be with you, but wait kiss me I still love you, but hold on I will save you, no hold on, dead not dead, is getting old. I think by 4 books in I would prefer Jace and Clary be resolved and moving forward in some way instead of rehashing all the same old feelings over and over again. It would be nice to stir up a new fresh idea, give them a break, but alas, that definitely does not come to pass in this book and only leaves me rolling my eyes at the end, knowing we will continue down the same path in book 5. I would say that is a spoiler, but at this point, I really don’t think it is. Things I liked: I enjoy Magnus and Alec’s story and because I am reading TMI late in the game, I read The Red Scrolls of Magic just before this and was able to go on vacation with them and see where their story went. I enjoy Jace and Clary when they were settled and working together, no matter how brief these times seem to be, and Simon and his new power (that’s kind of cool and fun to play with in the story). Things I didn’t like: See above for Jace and Clary. I also didn’t like dead babies (ick and why?), lack of real development, again bringing back characters thought to be dead (it just doesn’t feel fresh, literally and figuratively) and really the feeling of just sort of standing in place on this one. Oh, and the ending
I love these books, but both narrators were difficult to listen to. The man was hard to hear with his incredibly low and soft voice.
I love these books and want them to keep going with the movies, but I do not like it when the guy is reading it is just not as good as Molly she is my favorite!!!
The book is good, but this series has had 3 different narrators in 4 books. The male narrator was very good, but the female narrator sounded too young, and her different character voices jut sounded silly. It made the book hard to listen to. The narrator with the second and third book was the best narrator. Bring her back!
I love this book series! I wish they would continue with the movies.
Difficult to listen to due to differences in voices, meaning character voices weren't consistent. Her voice sounded as if she had a cold throughout the reading. Love the story/series!
I love this entire series! I work at a job that allows me to listen to audio books! The first 3 books were amazing, but the narrator for The City of Fallen Angels was terrible. Great book though! I recommend actually reading the book.
Amazing book. The guy is a little hard to listen to and reads a little to fast but overall the book is great. I love the series!
words cannot express how much I love the Mortal Instruments book
Love the series! Wasn't a huge fan of the narrators the guy sounded like he was falling asleep the whole time and the girl didn't draw me into the book. Neither one captured the humor that I love the books for.
I love this series of books. However, book number four is not my favorite. Personally I believe that the narrator Ed Westwick would be better reading spy or back room detective novels. Also at the risk of sounding overtly negative Molly Quinn seemed to swoon every time there was a romantic interlude between characters. I am sure that I would have enjoyed this book more if the narrators had been different since I find this series incredibly intriguing.
Great book, your hooked by the time you get this far in the series
Love these books and hope they make all the movie!! Great job with the make narration!
Great book, can't wait to read the next one. Hated the narrators. They both just didn't do justice to the characters and the female narrator couldn't even pronounce some of the things properly.
The book was great and the narration from the male was solid. The woman however, made me cringe every time it was her turn.
absolutely love this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!