Unabridged Audiobook
I've been fascinated with foreign languages for some time now, particularly Italian, and have been teaching myself. It requires an absurd amount of effort and discipline to do so but none of it would be possible without proper resources. For someone actively studying and learning the language, this is such a game changer. I really appreciate the straightforward messages and easy to understand sentences. For the price, it's worth every penny.
I like this audiobook for several reasons. While I mentioned the fact that you do need an beginner level of Italian to fully appreciate each story and understand the why's of the usage of verb conjugaison, and articles, each story is quite understandable and can be appreciated thanks to the fact that each story ends with a vocabulary list, a summary of the story in Italian and English and my favorite, a list of questions about the story. The author recommends that you use auxiliary aids such as an Italian speaking friend to train your speaking skills (nowadays really easy with social media). The author also recommends to take your time in order to fully learn what each story has to offer. And if you do it right there is a lot to learn from each story. I do recommend this very enjoyable audiobook.
I was really excited about the audiobook. Just tested it and it seems to work fine. I'm looking forward to using this to expand my Italian-- it seems to fill a much-needed gap for learners.