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The Emperor's New Clothes: & A Dangerous Game
#188 of The Magicians
Written by:
Rachel Lawson
Narrated by:
Digital Voice Matt G
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Release Date
August 22, 2024
0 hours 10 minutes
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice.
The Emperor's New Clothes
Time traveller and Emperor of the Universe Sapphirus, aka Fred, poses as Blake his sick younger self the dark emperor Mortimer the Grim Reaper at the Intergalactic Political Parliament. Will he be recognized as the galactic emperor or not?'You must be the Emperor Mortimer,' said the Prime Minister of the Universe Morganite Argent, seeing the reaper.
Fred wanted to laugh but didn't, he knew him as well as Fred.
'I am, you look like the prime minister of the Universe,' said Fred.
'I am,' said Morganite surprised he was recognized.
A Dangerous Game
Time traveller and Emperor of the Universe Sapphirus, his younger time-travelling self Blake, and their wife Ana are playing a dangerous game as it is.Sapphirus is hiding a pregnant wife and a double life as Blake. He is told the Universal Government has discovered his secrets and changed the laws to accommodate for his strange half-life as a living dead grim reaper. Is it for real, or is too good to be true?
'Hail my Emperor Sapphirus,' said Morganite, the prime minister of the Universe to his Dancing Emperor who was dancing with a woman who was seen as the Emperor's best friend. They stopped dancing.
'Hello Morgan, what do you want?' asked Sapphirus smiling amiably.
'We have decided that you, remarry,' said Morgan.
'I am happy as I am?' said the Emperor.
'We need to talk,' Morgan said candidly.
Sapphirus thought he must be serious, hearing the ominous phrase we need to talk.
'What is it you want to say to us, Morgan,' asked Sapphirus who disliked being left to marinate when something was wrong.
'You have been playing a dangerous game,' said Morgan seriously.
'Dangerous game?' said Sappirus curiously, 'What game?'
Morgan looked at the baby belly of Princess Ana.
'It's not mine,' said Sapphirus, 'it's her husbands.'
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The Emperor's New Clothes: & A Da...
Rachel Lawson
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