Unabridged Audiobook
I am a real Matt Taibbi fan for many years and have always thought of him as writing with a liberal slant. This book is anything but that. Exposing how both sides are manipulating us for the almighty dollar, he tears down some of my most respected journalists. He has opened my eyes to their hypocrisy and their succumbing to the demands of the economics of modern journalism, often including his own complicit contributions in the past for which he seems truly repentant. I wish everyone would read this book so we might see how we became so politically intolerant and perhaps be more inclined to see a path to compromise rather than hatred. My only complaint is that Appendix 2, his interview with Noam Chomsky. This discussion between the two intellectuals seems a bit obtuse, difficult to follow and understand. Perhaps if the author broke up the banter and explained this on a more fundamental level, people like me would get more out of it.