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The Head of Caesar: A Father Brown Mystery

The Head of Caesar: A Father Brown Mystery

Written by:
G.K. Chesterton
Narrated by:
David Clarke
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
December 21, 2024
0 hours 37 minutes
In G.K. Chesterton's 'The Head of Caesar' from the Father Brown series, a young woman named Christabel Carstairs, the daughter of a renowned coin collector, approaches Father Brown after being blackmailed by a mysterious man with a crooked nose, who threatens to expose her theft of a valuable Roman coin from her late father's collection, a coin with the likeness of Caesar that she impulsively took because it reminded her of a young man she was infatuated with; Father Brown, through his keen observation skills, uncovers the truth behind the blackmail and the identity of the culprit, who is revealed to be someone close to the family with a hidden motive related to the inheritance of the coin collection. 
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