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The King James Bible

The King James Bible

Written by:
Narrated by:
George Vafiadis
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
February 9, 2021
83 hours 53 minutes
Experience one of the most used translations of the Bible in this unabridged presentation of the King James Version of the Bible.

The King James Version was written in 1611 by order of King James I as the official translation for the Church of England. The version was created to eliminate any errors in previous translations, and to put to book into common language useful for all people. The book was translated from Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. The version was re-edited in 1769 and has remain largely untouched for the centuries after.

For many modern Christian denominations, the King James Version remains the preferred English translation of biblical texts. Though the language is more formal than modern English, the formality gives a certain weight to the contents, and the translation is still regarded as being remarkably close to the original meanings of the text.

This audiobook contains both the Old and New Testaments, which together chronicle the foundations, history, and theology of the Christian church. The book is comprised of 66 individual books, each with a unique history, authorship, and context.
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