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Tales of Terror and Mystery

Narrated by:
Various Readers

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
January 1, 2011
7 hours 41 minutes
Though Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is best known for his detective stories, he also wrote other short stories which are masterpieces of mystery and suspense. In some of the stories in "Tales of Terror and Mystery", a suppressed uneasiness gradually builds up and evolves into sheer terror. In others, the story line unexpectedly changes and comes to a horrific conclusion.

Sit back in the comfort of your armchair and let yourself be transported to the strange but compelling world created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
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Elizabeth Pedersen

Doyle, a master as always, writing a few shorts. Not especially horror or mysterious but definitely well crafted works. Narrators are the Librivox salad toss with some good & some bad.

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Ann P

Doyle has always held my attention and the narrator on most of these stories have been very , there was one in this story who speaking voice is shrill and not very pleasant to listen to

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Just the right levels of gore and suspense. I'm not saying anymore, no spoilers here, but read it, enjoy it, I don't think you will regret it :)

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Loved that book well dine

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Evelyn D.

I love Conan Doyle. He’s a great story teller. Most of the narrators were pretty good.

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This is the first book I’ve stopped. I made it two hours and 45 minutes in, then the robotic lady narrator began, game over. Couldn’t take any more. That, and I never found one thing, terrifying or mystifying about the stories, I think this day and age our minds are just way different than they were 100 and some years ago. Sorry but not a good book

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Howard Lee B

Loved it!!!!

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I love so Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories all of them. Even as a child, I love them. Chapter 6 Brazilian cat. I need to know the name of this narrator he is excellent. Excellent diction. The way he delivers the story is fantastic. I need to hear more of his work. 5 stars out of five for me brilliant.

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Alice C.


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it was a good book.

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Susan H.

Doyle was a master of suspense. These are intelligent and mysterious. [and the tracks played perfectly, unlike some of the other Sherlock Holmes mysteries in this series.]

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Sandra Ann Birch

I enjoyed most of the stories, it was good to have different narrator's with different styles and accents.

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I liked it.

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Lorraine Simpson

very interesting stories, some I worked out , some a surprising ending, more narration was good, some very hard to understand.

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good,but Same as others web sites

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Evelyn B.

Great stories. The narrators were for the most part were excellent

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ok needs more

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