Unabridged Audiobook
I feel informed even on things I hadn't known previously. I had read a lot on the subject before this, but it's got info you might not have encountered yet. This is rare because a lot of short books are redundant, and the long ones, while inspiring, don't go too deep into the subject either. I think this author should aim for a larger writing project on tiny houses if it interests him. It is all well stated.
This is a good book for dealing with the basic rules and functions that you have in a standard house that applies to the tiny house movement. It has basic anthropometric data and decent ergonomic information. Anybody that's wishing to take space seriously should consider the book.
I am so fascinated by the whole concept of tiny houses. Who knew you could even put your own wine storage into one of these homes. I've read a few of these books and this one did give me some new ideas about how to heat and cool and work in some little comforts that you find in the bigger homes. This is an enjoyable read for those who are just getting warm to the idea.
thank you for sharing! I really enjoyed the book and love tiny houses since I'm a minimalist myself
Very informative and useful book. The list of 20 hacks to save space sets you thinking even if you dont live in a tiny house. Very well written