In the summertime, Brian Jacques creates his enthralling Redwall books on an old manual typewriter in the garden of his Liverpool home. "I like to think of myself as a bit of an old-fashioned romantic in writing," he says. "I don't like technology. I like the romantic age of "once upon a time" and "long ago and far away ..." Before he began writing for children, Brian Jacques' life was as rich and adventurous as the stories he creates. At the age of fifteen, he went to sea and travelled the world before returning to Liverpool. He has been a professional fold singer and has won acclaim for his plays performed at the Everyman Theatre, where he was resident playwright. For many years, he has presented his one-man show, Jakestown, on Radio Merseyside.
The book that inspired a legend—the first novel in the bestselling saga of Redwall. Welcome to Mossflower Wood, where the gentle mice have gathered to celebrate a year of peace and abundance. All is well…until a sinister shadow falls acr... SEE MORE