Scott Oa (TM)Dell (1898a "1989), one of the most respected aScott Oa (TM)Dell (1898a "1989), one of the most respected authors of historical fiction, received the Newbery Medal, thuthors of historical fiction, received the Newbery Medal, three Newbery Honor Medals, and the Hans Christian Andersen Auree Newbery Honor Medals, and the Hans Christian Andersen Author Medal, the highest international recognition for a bodythor Medal, the highest international recognition for a body of work by an author of books for young readers. Some of hi of work by an author of books for young readers. Some of hi
In the Pacific, there is an island that looks like a big fish sunning itself in the sea. Around it blue dolphins swim, otters play, and sea birds abound. Karana is the Indian girl who lived alone for years on the Island of the Blue Dolphins. Hers is not o... SEE MORE