600 Hours of Edward

Written by:
Craig Lancaster
Narrated by:
Luke Daniels

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
August 2012
7 hours 39 minutes
A thirty-nine-year-old with Asperger’s syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder, Edward Stanton lives alone on a rigid schedule in the Montana town where he grew up. His carefully constructed routine includes tracking his most common waking time (7:38 a.m.), refusing to start his therapy sessions even a minute before the appointed hour (10:00 a.m.), and watching one episode of the 1960s cop show Dragnet each night (10:00 p.m.).

But when a single mother and her nine-year-old son move in across the street, Edward’s timetable comes undone. Over the course of a momentous 600 hours, he opens up to his new neighbors and confronts old grievances with his estranged parents. Exposed to both the joys and heartaches of friendship, Edward must ultimately decide whether to embrace the world outside his door or retreat to his solitary ways.

Heartfelt and hilarious, this moving novel will appeal to fans of Daniel Keyes’s classic Flowers for Algernon and to any reader who loves an underdog.
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Dwan Burton

I found this book to be quite entertaining and funny. It reminds me a bit of "The Rosie Project" which I also enjoyed. I was a bit surprised at how abruptly the story ended, but I'm sure it'll make for an interesting sequel. At first I wasn't as thrilled with the narration but once the voice changes were incorporated for the other characters I was sold. Kyle's voice was pretty hilarious.

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Jana Barz

Great book! It was fun to read a book where the settings is where I live. Looking forward to reading about Edward's next phase.

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Sarah-Michelle Gerencser

This book was a humorous and endearing look into the life of a man who sees our world through very different eyes. As he inadvertently offends and perplexes others the reader has the rare chance to understand his motives which creates a love an understanding for his seemingly haphazard and inappropriate actions. This story was a pleasure to listen to alternately tugging at heart strings and tickling my funny bones. It showed the human side of mental illness, an important need left unfulfilled by books such as this.

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