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The Autoimmune Fix: How to Stop the Hidden Autoimmune Damage That Keeps You Sick, Fat, and Tired Before It Turns Into Disease

Narrated by:
Jonathan Yen

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
August 15, 2017
10 hours 29 minutes
Millions of people suffer from autoimmunity whether they know it or not. The root cause of most weight gain, brain and mood problems, and fatigue, autoimmunity can take years—or even decades—for symptoms and a clear diagnosis to arise. Through years of research, Dr. Tom O'Bryan has discovered that autoimmunity is actually a spectrum, and many people experiencing general malaise are already on it. And while autoimmune diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, osteoporosis, diabetes, and lupus, have become the third leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer, many people affected are left in the dark.

The good news is that many autoimmune conditions can be reversed through a targeted protocol designed to heal the autoimmune system, 70 percent of which is located in the gut. The Autoimmune Fix includes two comprehensive 3-week plans: In the first 3 weeks, you'll follow a Paleo-inspired diet during which you cut out gluten, sweets, and dairy—the three primary culprits behind autoimmunity. Once the dietary changes have been addressed, The Autoimmune Fix focuses on the other causes of autoimmunity, such as genetics, other dietary issues, and microbiome.
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This book was life changing. My sister was able to go from living with rheumatoid arthritis, the chronic pain and battling insurance companies to approve the drug she wanted to eventually (a couple years later) hearing from her rheumatologist “you no longer have it”. She did a lot of reading and research realizing the US “sick care” system is more vested in keeping you sick or on drugs than cures. Watching her on this journey and her recommendation that what we eat really matters changed my life. No I don’t have RI. But I realized the connection of nutrients to the body and the body’s ability to heal. 10 years ago it was harder to find some alternatives to many of the most inflammatory foods. Now it is so much easier! And, it is a journey - it doesn’t happen in a day, but learning how different foods impact your ability to move, function and thrive —. This is so much better and less expensive than costly medications, the side effects and doctor visits. Eating for your health and healing is less expensive and makes life more enjoyable. This book provides so much useful information for anyone with an autoimmune disease or one questioning if their body may be sensitive to foods or one just wanting to reduce pain in their body. Inflammation is at the root of ALL our ailments. Highly recommend this book.

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Sharon D.

It is actually impossible to follow this book! You think if you eat only salad you think that would be good enough but NO he wants you to grow your own stuff!! If you had a lot of money AND a personal chief MAYBE then you can follow this! Don’t waist your money!

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