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Common Sense

Common Sense

Written by:
Thomas Paine
Narrated by:
Liam Johnson
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
March 1, 2023
1 hour 59 minutes
'Common Sense' is a political pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1776. It played a crucial role in inspiring American colonists to take up arms against the British and fight for independence.

In the pamphlet, Paine argues that it is only common sense for the American colonies to break away from Britain and become an independent nation. He criticizes the British monarchy and the idea of hereditary succession, arguing that power should be based on merit and ability, not birthright.

Paine also argues that the British government has failed to protect the interests of the American colonists and that they should be free to govern themselves. He appeals to the sense of patriotism and self-interest of his readers, arguing that American independence would lead to greater prosperity and a better way of life.

Overall, 'Common Sense' is a passionate and persuasive argument for American independence, written in clear and accessible language that appealed to a wide audience. It remains one of the most influential political writings in American history.
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