Unabridged Audiobook
I came for the science but I was almost suffocated by unnecessary personal BS. It’s obvious why America farms out its gain of function research to less scrupulous countries like, e.g., China. It’s a pity we can’t learn how to weaponize viruses from Russia; their decades of work with smallpox would be useful were it not so frightening. Our scientists and politicians took them at face value when they denied doing what they were so obviously doing … until they could no longer accept their obfuscations. The overwhelming stupidity of American scientists is breathtaking. Same goes for the government — that means you, FBI! I wanted to learn about the weaponization of smallpox, but I had to suffer through individual stories to do so. It seems like the author was being paid by the word, there were so darned many. The author was adequate; he lowered himself to the material he was given.