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The Game of Life and How to Play It

Written by:
Florence Scovel Shinn
Narrated by:
Amy Conger

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
January 1, 2016
2 hours 41 minutes
Florence Scovel Shinn, an illustrator living in New York City, became a teacher of New Thought after a divorce. New Thought was a movement which holds the belief that individuals can create their own reality through intentional thoughts and prayer, much like the current Law of Attraction movement. The Game of Life and How to Play It is her first book, and is remarkable for being written by a woman and meant for a genteel female audience. (Summary from Wikipedia)
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I have a problem with the description; “Extraordinary for being written by a woman.” I couldn’t get past that remark.

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Dina S

This book is inspiring and calming to the soul. it is well written and concepts are simplified with real examples. One's heart, mind and soul must be open when hearing this bookin order to believe its messages. This book came to me at the right time in my life, as planned, for I do not believe in coincidences.

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Noah H

Inspiring to the point where your normal way of living is no longer acceptable.

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Harold Vives

This book is right in the money when it explains in great detail on how to play the game of life. Highly recommended!

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I can listen to this book over and over again.

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Lauren A

Amazing book that has changed the way I look at life and how I think. It is really remarkable how miracles happen when you change how you think and ask for what you want. I will try to practice positive mantras for the rest of my life. Thank you for this gift.

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Janet Slavenski

This book was ok. I think I would have liked it more if I read it instead of listening to it. The narrator was to monologue toned for me. I was falling asleep

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The book is inspirational and educative.Well written, simplified and easy to grasp.The narrator did a good job as well.

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Niza Siame

I've enjoyed every part of this book

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I am written about game life. I am remarkable about how to play game

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Thank you this was most enjoyable

Beautiful book. Very enlightening.

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very good exercise that is wonderful

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Ogochukwu A.

This book was phenomenal. It brought various Aha moments. The concepts were crystallized in such a way that it was very easy to understand and follow. My best part is how it integrated the Bible in the most non-traditional way but buttressing important life principles which in more ways than none made those passages of the Bible more meaningful bringing better understanding of them to me. Very great read.

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Carmen T.

I love this book!thank you!

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great analogies for life and God faith based affirmation

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Miklós T.

Useful book to get to know yourself.

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Sarah Wentzel

Great Principles for Life! Very valuable!

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Ricardo Ve

Great narrator

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Brian M.

I like this book!

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Dan K.

good book to read

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Kojo Mawulawoe Kudjonu

I love this book

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Koutsonikos A.

The narrator is definitely Ai the book says everything 5 words about God and it's words and Jesus Christ teachings. If I wanted to hear about that I'd have gone to a preacher. not good.sorry!

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Great book.. changed my view of life

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Eliza M.

l loved this book! l recommend everyone to listen to it!

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Alex J.

Horrible narration, the matter of the subject is too religious but might not be that bad if it weren’t for the terrible narratiob

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Ruth N.

enough of quoting Jesus..had to stop after 10 minutes

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Sound of the narrator is calm to mind and good for listening.

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Shenica D.

oh dear... once again, another perverted interpretation of sacred truths to suit the bias agenda of whomever the fuck this is. Honestly, this is the epitome of blasphemy. Am I the only one that sees this? In so many words this book is saying 'Women are the equivalent to a mans big toe.'

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Swoboda H.

Amazing audiobook! Will definitely hear it again! It’s a must read/ hear. I wish I would’ve came across it 30 years ago.. but it’s never too late.

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loved the book. a lot of good information that can shape or reshape your perspective of life.

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Rosana S.

I love this book as well as I love the narrator's voice, I have listened it more then 5 times, thank you!

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this inspires me

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Great listen for a reassurance that you are not in it alone.

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Vee R.

Amazing reminder for daily life

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Jose victor G.

Great simple and easy to apply concepts … a bit religiously charged for my taste and way of thinking … but good non the less !!! Highly recommend… I absolutely loved the narrator !!!

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This is the kind of book I love. If you think life doesn’t come with a book, it will make you think twice about the Holy scriptures, and how God works in our life, making our lives, simple and free of conflicting events. Thankyou for this book.

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Christina Marie

Great positive audiobook to listen too. Wonderful outlook on life to have. I’m going to start living this way.

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Very interesting view on life. Not come across this view before. I actually listened to it twice to capture her thoughts. Now reflecting on them.

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Maria L.

I love this book! I cannot stop coming back to it every time when I feel stocked in my life. If I am looking for an answer or a solution for me or my love one pretty sure I will find inspiration in The game of life and how to play it. The narrator has all the qualities to ketch your attention.

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kind of miss leading and long drawn out but interested

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This book was a load of tosh! I downloaded this accidentally while flicking through the free books and thought... well it’s there I may as well listen to it. Hours of my life I will never get back and I can’t even remove it from my library ( not sure what annoys me most)

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Lud B.

The content of the book is good, but as she is a writer from the begin of 20th century there is a over use of the word God and religious references.

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kiana s johnson

I loved this book! I am very grateful for what I learned.

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Tito Almeida

It talks about the power of the mind in a different kind of way.

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kellen Santana

Some points of this book are good, but some ideas are old-fashion. This book teach how your thoughts and words will manifest themselves in your life. This book also relies on the Christian faith to explain why manifestation works (Scovel-Shinn references a lot of Biblical passages).

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Namuti An

I'm so glad I read this book ! Really uplifted and gave me some motivation

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