Unabridged Audiobook
A great book, that conveys a lively depression of how unfettered markets and greed create a kind of rich third world with zero quality of life. It is a miniature of the US system: The strive for riches does not translate into a good life, the free market destroys nature and basic human decency, and it corrupts the ones it enriches and leaves them emotionally gutted, dumb and empty. They may earn a lot of money in the Bakken, but that money can't buy you health, happiness or pristine nature to enjoy. The book made it very clear to me, that less is so much more, and that free markets, at best, produce rich increasingly tixic hellholes like the Bakken, but never viable societies. America used to be the major force for good in the world from FDR to LBJ, since Reagan it has become this merciless free market hellhole, for which the Bakken is a good symbol.