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Lady Susan: Full Cast Drama
Written by:
Jane Austen
Narrated by:
The Arc
Geoffrey Giuliano
Unabridged Audiobook
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Release Date
October 11, 2023
2 hours 43 minutes
'Lady Susan,' a novella by Jane Austen, offers readers a departure from her more well-known novels like 'Pride and Prejudice' and 'Sense and Sensibility.' Written in the form of letters, this epistolary work provides a fascinating glimpse into the life of Lady Susan Vernon, a character who stands apart from Austen's typical heroines.
The novella's protagonist, Lady Susan, is a cunning and manipulative widow, quite unlike the virtuous heroines that populate Austen's other works. Lady Susan's sharp wit and calculated charm serve as the driving force behind the narrative. Through her letters, we witness her artful maneuvering as she navigates the complexities of society, orchestrates advantageous marriages, and simultaneously manages her own affairs.
Austen's choice of the epistolary form allows readers to witness the inner workings of Lady Susan's mind as she artfully weaves webs of deception and manipulation. The novella showcases the power of language and rhetoric in social interactions, with Lady Susan employing her mastery of words to control the perceptions of those around her. Her character is both captivating and repulsive, offering a unique exploration of the darker facets of human nature.
Despite Lady Susan's morally dubious actions, Austen manages to infuse the novella with her trademark wit and humor. The characters surrounding Lady Susan, from her confidante Alicia Johnson to her would-be son-in-law Reginald De Courcy, serve as foils to her cunning, allowing for moments of comedic tension and irony.
'Lady Susan' is a shorter work compared to Austen's full-length novels, but it remains a testament to her ability to craft engaging characters and intricate social dynamics. In this novella, Austen provides a window into a world of manipulation, ambition, and social stratagems, all while maintaining her distinctive style and narrative prowess.
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Jane Austen
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