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Lost Sci-Fi Books 81 thru 90
Written by:
August Derleth
Lyman D. Hinckley
William Morrison
Frederik Pohl
Fritz Leiber
Robert Silverberg
Philip K. Dick
Narrated by:
Scott Miller
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Release Date
October 9, 2022
5 hours 53 minutes
Lost Sci-Fi Books 81 thru 90 - Ten Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60s
- Human Is by Philip K. Dick - She noticed the change in her husband -- but she had married for better or worse!
- Adjustment Team by Philip K. Dick - Something went wrong... and Ed Fletcher got mixed up in the biggest thing in his life
- The Luckiest Man Alive! by William Morrison - The man who won the contest to be named 'Mister Earth' would be in a unique position!
- Six Frightened Men by Robert Silverberg - It was an unexplored planet and anything could happen—yet none of us expected to face a creature impossible to fight, let alone kill....
- Dust Unto Dust by Lyman D. Hinckley - It was alien but was it dead, this sinister city of metal that glittered before the cautious advance of three space-scouters.
- Meddler by Philip K. Dick - The hardest part of the 'preordained' thesis to grasp is that the thesis itself is part of what must and shall be. Will time travel cause the end of the human race?
- Let The Ants Try by Frederik Pohl - Dr. Salva Gordy looked at the radioactive smear that had been Detroit. Then he looked down at the anthill. Why not?
- Asteroid of the Damned by Frederik Pohl - Somewhere on that asteroid of sin lurked the crime king of the Universe.
- Nice Girl With 5 Husbands by Fritz Leiber - Adventure is relative to one's previous experience.
- A Traveler In Time by August Derleth - You can't always escape evils by running away from them...
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Lost Sci-Fi Books 81 thru 90...
August Derleth
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