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Lost Sci-Fi Books 86 thru 90

Lost Sci-Fi Books 86 thru 90

Narrated by:
Scott Miller
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
October 9, 2022
3 hours 0 minutes
Lost Sci-Fi Books 86 thru 90 - Five Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 50s and 60s

- Meddler by Philip K. Dick - The hardest part of the 'preordained' thesis to grasp is that the thesis itself is part of what must and shall be. Will time travel cause the end of the human race?
- Let The Ants Try by Frederik Pohl - Dr. Salva Gordy looked at the radioactive smear that had been Detroit. Then he looked down at the anthill. Why not?
- Asteroid of the Damned by Frederik Pohl - Somewhere on that asteroid of sin lurked the crime king of the Universe.
- Nice Girl With 5 Husbands by Fritz Leiber - Adventure is relative to one's previous experience.
- A Traveler In Time by August Derleth -  You can't always escape evils by running away from them...
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