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The Meditations Of Marcus Aurelius

Written by:
Marcus Aurelius
Narrated by:
Andy Stevens

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
August 24, 2020
7 hours 16 minutes
Do you want to listen to The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius? If so then keep reading…
The Meditations Of Marcus Aurelius is a series of writings by Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor 161–180 CE, setting forth his ideas on Stoic philosophy. A central theme to 'Meditations' is to analyze your judgement of self and others and developing a cosmic perspective. As he said 'You have the power to strip away many superfluous troubles located wholly in your judgement, and to possess a large room for yourself embracing in thought the whole cosmos, to consider everlasting time, to think of the rapid change in the parts of each thing, of how short it is from birth until dissolution, and how the void before birth and that after dissolution are equally infinite'. He advocates finding one's place in the universe and sees that everything came from nature, and so everything shall return to it in due time.
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Caleb R.

Meditations is thought provoking and gives you a chance to rationalize yourself and the world around you without judgement. Full of well written, powerful statements that are still true to this day. Meditations is a guiding light to center yourself in a time where the world is driven by desires, fame, anger, and abundance. Highly recommend!

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Lewis Y.

I started to add bookmarks until I realized that I was bookmarking everything in the book. Fantastic narrator as well, thank you.

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Hayley B.

Not everything in Aurelius's Meditations will resonate with everyone, but even if you are not interested in Stoicism per se, this is still a great philosophical and literary classic that is worth reading in its own right, for insights as to why an emperor from two thousand years ago is still so highly regarded.

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Marcus Aurelius naturally outstanding - but I could not finish with this rushed and mechanic Narration. Extremely follow monotone and fast Narration. Even at half speed I did not find it enjoyable.

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Beceanu M.

it was interesting

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Lucy G.

A classic work of personal philosophy that has not aged a day since it was written by Emperor Marcus Aurelius between 170 and 180 CE.

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Peter G.

The most remarkable treatise on how to live ones life, whether it be on your actions or responding to the actions of others. One of the most remarkable books that Ive ever read- hands down. This is the best audio version of it as well.

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Callum C.

This is undoubtedly one of the best books ever written! Best advice for young and old in a perfectly straightforward manner.

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Adam F.

This narrator rocks. I love setting the timer at night and just falling asleep to this book. He says a lot of good things.

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Joseph H.

Concise, relevant, clear. This book lays out the heart of stoic philosophy and is a guide for living your life as a stoic.

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Samantha N.

The audiobook reading was pitch-perfect. I could listen to this guy speaking Stoic philosophy all day.

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