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Relentless Rhythm: Rockstar Enemies to Lovers Romance

Relentless Rhythm: Rockstar Enemies to Lovers Romance

Written by:
Michelle Mankin
Narrated by:
Wen Ross , Kai Kennicott
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Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
October 1, 2023
7 hours 58 minutes
The one she really wants is out of reach. The one he really needs is already taken.

Dizzy Lowell, rhythm man for the rising rock band Tempest is a wizard on the guitar and a wonder with women. But the hookup specialist hides his emotional scars beneath his suave exterior. He never lets anyone truly touch him.

April Reynolds, the confident bartender of the Diamond Mine, knows her way around a cocktail, but Dizzy has her all mixed up. She knows what’s safe. She’s tired of settling, though. It would be so easy to fall under his spell. Except for that ring around her finger.

Two searching souls separated by a thin metal band. Some dreams are dangerous. Some secrets shouldn’t be shared. Sometimes what we wish for most can never be.
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