Unabridged Audiobook
Great read
A relatively short read at 4hrs total so not much is covered but a lot I'd gleaned. It's got really funny, interesting, and enlightening only-in-Hollywood stories that make the whole book worth listening too as well as insightful anecdotes on making it in a creative field. It's designed as an addiction story, but it's really just the story of an over thinker vs a doer. It's interesting how someone can be both at the same time. A doer in one field yet a thinker in another. He never addresses the how and why of his addiction but there's enough in the story (effectively an autobiography) to glean the answer. So many creatives well relate to his story. He never seems to give us words of wisdom (unless it's at the end of the epilogue which I didn't listen to because it devolved into Oswalt's what-if fiction) but if I had to give you the theme it was to stop reading and start doing. any way, I hope to meet you one day Patton! Thanks for reading the book to me! I will be writing a screenplay in the next six months no matter the quality because that is the first step.