Robert Lawrence Kuhn is the creator, writer, executive producer, and host of Closer To Truth-the public television series that invites leading scientists, philosophers, and creative thinkers to discuss fundamental questions of consciousness, the cosmos, and meaning. After completing his undergraduate degree in human biology at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Kuhn went on to earn a doctorate in Anatomy/Brain Research from the University of California, Los Angeles, and then later, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Kuhn has published more than 30 books, including The Mystery of Existence: Why Is There Anything At All? (with John Leslie); Closer To Truth: Challenging Current Belief; Closer To Truth: Science, Meaning and the Future; How China's Leaders Think (featuring President Xi Jinping); and The Man Who Changed China: The Life and Legacy of Jiang Zemin (China's best-selling book in 2005).
Join National Humanities Medal recipient Rebecca Newberger Goldstein and a host of other brilliant minds as they seek to answer ten perennially mystifying questions of philosophy. What is truth? As humans, how can we know what is real? How can th... SEE MORE