Allum Bokhari is an investigative tech reporter at Breitbart News. In 2018, he stunned the media when he obtained and published 'The Google Tape,' a 1-hour recording of Google's top executives reacting to the 2016 Trump election and declaring their intention to make the populist movement a 'blip' in history. He also obtained 'The Good Censor,' an internal Google document admitting to censorship, Facebook's list of so-called 'hate agents,' and YouTube's search blacklists. Bokhari's work has received praise from Donald Trump Jr., Fox News host Tucker Carlson, and Canadian media entrepreneur Ezra Levant. He lives in Washington, DC.
Uncover the hidden systems created by the most powerful tech companies in the world that are determined to stop Donald Trump. Journalist Allum Bokhari has spent four years investigating the tech giants that dominate the Internet: Google, Facebook, You... SEE MORE